Thursday, January 17, 2008

Weak of prayer, part 3: Thanksgiving

A = Adoration (digging who Father God is)
C = Confession (noticing He and I are dissimilar)

T = Thanksgiving (celebrating His gifts despite this)

S = Supplication (asking for more)

It's been pretty interesting how just two days of thoughtful prayer-blogging has begun to melt the icy edges of my communication with God. It is only a few days past the solstice, but the days are slowly getting longer now, and I feel the sun finding its way through the cold air when I stand still in it long enough. The winter of worry, freed from its silent prision, is flirting with the hope of prayerful spring.

In some ways, as depressing as it may have been to read, yesterday's confessions were the beginning of today's giving thanks. Each broken part of this vehicle for God's love, laid out piece by corroded piece, is not a pretty sight. It is embarrassing to reveal my lack of routine maintenance. But what a relief not to be driving around, wondering mutely when the next breakdown is going to happen, to have these parts out and in the hands of the Mechanic, who accepts whatever shabby jalopy that rolls into His shop with--could that be joy on His face? There is hope of repair here, and that is reason #1 for gratitude.

Day 3: Thanksgiving
  • Thank You for leading me to the woman who would be the amazing mommy of choice for my girls. Long before I had any desire to be a father, You led me to a wife who was all about motherhood. When we met, her maternal passion seemed like the one downside of an overall great package deal. Now I see it is among her greatest beauties.
  • Thank You for allowing me to have my three daughters, even after I failed to thank you for the son that we lost.
  • Thank You that two- and three-year-olds eventually blossom into four-year-olds. And thank you that this happens slowly.
  • Thank You for baby wipes.
  • Thank You for the miracle of language, and the hilarious, fascinating process of watching it unfold.
  • Thank You for dancing, spinning, singing little princess brides.
  • Thank You that we still have years before the princesses are full-grown brides.
  • Thank You for endless questions and curiosity, for unanswerable "why's."
  • Thank You for kisses, hugs, tickles and "I love you's".
  • Thanks for an excuse to play hide-and-seek again.
  • Thank You for rides home when we sing.
  • Thank You for a pile of little readers-to-be vying for position on and around my lap.
  • Thank You for a faith community that loves our kids and makes times at church high points of the week.
  • Thank You (I never dreamed I'd say it) for the minivan and all the blood and tears still inside my children thanks to the space it provides them.
  • Thank You for summers home as Mr. Mom.
  • Thanks for the accountability I have with my three little apprentices listening and learning from what I say.
  • Thank You for all I've learned about parenting beginning with my own parents, and continuing daily.
  • Thank You for all that my children have access to, unlike millions of children--clean water, protein-rich food, clothing, education, justice, a safe and weatherproof home, love.
  • Thank You for the honor of seeing, if only through a glass darkly, through Your Father eyes.
  • Thank You for grandmas and grandpas and aunts and uncles and friends who are willing to take care of the kids, so that I can also...
  • ...thank You for date nights and date weekends, which allow me to...
  • ...thank You for time to talk, reminisce and adore our children from a distance.
Time to meet Rachelle. It's date night. And we have TONS of stories about the kids to catch up on.... Wait, just one more thing.
  • Thank You for the honor of sharing thoughts with all who read. Each mind and soul who come by here is a gift to me and my children.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

It's been several days since I've had a chance to read so I've just spent time catching up on the last four blogs. As always, it was delightful reading. This one was particularly touching because it made me think of how thankful I am for our one blonde princess. She will be living at home full-time for only 6 more months, then she's off to college. I am savoring every moment of being with her and replaying the memories of these 18+ years that have passed so quickly. Yes, I am looking forward to seeing where life takes her from here and it is exciting to imagine all the possibilities. But I can say, after having been down this road once already with our beautiful boy, that the childhood years are irreplaceable, and I will miss them. Thank you God for blessing us with the awesome beauty of our children and for allowing us to feel a love so intense that we have some inkling of what your love for us is like.